Saturday, January 4, 2020

Paul Boden, Homeless Activist Extraordinaire, Speaking the Truth

It took me a couple years of being homeless in Boise Idaho to realize the homeless systems were not set up to help people get housing, the homeless crisis was intentionally created, the country is directing people to believe lies about the make up of the homeless population through propaganda and the system is designed to intentionally cause us to die years before we should. Then I began reading books, articles and seeking out what those who have been activists in the system for a long time have to say. What I thought was right on the mark. 

Below are videos of Paul Boden interviewed on the Invisible People YouTube channel, speaking at the Homelessness and Justice Summit and at WRAP. It's nice to find a real person working in the homeless system rather than all the BS front organizations for HUD. The army of clueless social workers is maddening, I call them the social engineers because that is what they are. My attitude comes from working as an RN where they sat around in our break room drinking our coffee and eating our snacks, then asking us to check their blood pressure while we were running our asses off, then if we needed something for a patient they excusified every damn time so we had to do it ourselves. They also misdiagnose people with stigmatizing DSM 5 labels because they don't have the education or experience to diagnose and most certainly know nothing about trauma, especially if the client has a vagina. The misdiagnosing happens at a lot of the free or low income clinics too.

HUD has created a large number of non-profits, that keeps them from having to follow certain regulations and prevents oversight. It is probably also a right wing attempt to force the funding of homelessness to come from the local levels.This is why there are ADA violations, abuse, police come in to harass people, filth, bed bugs, thefts of property, sociopaths not just allowed to prey upon people but facilitated by the homeless shelter staff. There is very little oversight. I was harmed for speaking up and whistleblowing, as per usual because the truth is the enemy of the United States and most certainly the city of Boise Idaho. 

The non-profits were set up in each city by the federal government through coercion, if they did not follow their mandates the cities would not get funds from them. Same story with the Homeless Management Information System, HMIS where they collect massive data tracking homeless people.
At the Interfaith Sanctuary in Boise they even have homeless ID cards with pictures, when I got mine I held it up and said, have you now or ever been a card carrying member of the homeless party.

Everywhere it looked like each city was having some kind of homeless coordinator at city hall, Continuum of Care like it was their idea, then these non-profits to help people find housing popped up despite almost no affordable housing. There is so little affordable housing it makes no sense to waste money on these non-profits. Boise has less than .1% vacancy for affordable housing. The working poor will get the openings as landlords prefer them over the homeless, they have resources to get to the rental before the homeless person who has to do chores, stand in a line for coffee and food, walk to the library, check Craigslist, then take a bus and probably walk some to get there. For those who don't know this takes up the whole damn day. If there was affordable housing available people would be able to find it, but instead of building more they spent the money on uselessness.

They set up non-profits to claim they were helping people find housing but they had no more resources than the homeless person who had been diligently looking for housing. Unless people had intellectual disabilities or could not get to the library this is a waste of money that could have been used to build affordable housing.

Boise spent a large amount of money on Martin vs Boise to criminalize the homeless but just like Paul Boden discusses in these videos they also use the police to harass people. In my case I am a target to begin with as a whistleblower, activists and was told the organized harassment was because of "those things you are writing." The Boise Police Department has been terrorizing me for years along with the huge Army of Weaponized Morons from Community Policing, ause groups and Fusion Center crimes against humanity. I was gangstalked out of an apartment due to several agencies not doing their jobs, the management company, BPD, Idaho Housing Finance, Intermountain Fair Housing (HUD non-profit store front of BS), and of course HUD which does the opposite of what people think they do. They even diverted my phone calls. While the harassment went on at the Civic Plaza Apartments Infragard members such as the two grocery stores across the street had organized harassment going on while massive street theater was done and the Boise Police terrorized me,  I have videos. Once I made my wearing of body cameras evident some of that crap stopped.


A couple of Paul Boden's slides. Oh yes, private security is mentioned below. Here in Boise G4S and Allied Security were involved in the harassment including set ups and equipment next to the apartments. Most of the contractors work as subcontractors for larger contractors such as G4S.

Since about 1996 there has been no public housing developed. You can see the government spent little money to help people get housing, but massive amounts of money were spent criminalizing homeless people. If they wanted to eliminate homeless people the opposite would have happened. They wanted to have a homelessness crisis.

"We ain't fucking camping, we're surviving." 


After Donald Trump went to California to demonize the homeless and the state just before the SCOTUS was to make their decision about reviewing Martin vs Boisie.

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