I have been gangstalked on and off for over a decade. This is organized stalking, FBI/Fusion/local law enforcement and often local governments, mayors. It's CIA techniques, developed by the paperclip NAZIs with NSA training often done with MOSSAD contractors. Much of the abuse of innocent citizens is done with the use of security contractors, there are about 10,000 of them now. The CIA has control of all of the law enforcement agencies now. The FISA warrants obtained to spy on Donald Trump and the lies and legal manipulations used to get them is SOP. There are millions of us with these warrants containing lies from someone who wants to harm us. Then the contractors and local governments and law enforcement can steal money from the American people to sadistically torture for profit, they are leaches, a blight on the earth. I have had cops in Boise run cars at me, wait until I was in the middle of a cross walk and cut their vehicle right in front of me, they also witnessed perps do this and took no action. If I asked them why they did nothing they were nasty. I was almost ran over one night when a woman ran her car at me and I tried to jump out of the way. I was homeless, wearing a backpack and fell backwards to the ground thinking there was no no way she could avoid running over me, she was barely able to stop. The Boise Police

Department just like most other entities in my case failed to do their duty. The high number of pedestrian vs vehicle accidents in Boise has something to do with this kind of threatening behavior or attempted murder. I'm going to have a lot more to say about all of this and have many stories. Those stories include being gangstalked while homeless and having to stay at the Interfaith Sanctuary.
Below is a link to what I wrote in response to the release of the Trump FISA memo aka Pee Pee memo. I hope it will help pave the way for the targets of the American Stasi to find the origins of their warrants, get reparations, put the perpetrators in prison and for the public to find out the truth about their country. An army of brown shirts has been created based on Stasi tactics, a huge number of them. Even if we were terrorists which we are not these tactics are not going to help any law enforcement agency investigate. Instead this is psychological warfare, torture and all of it is illegal as hell.
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