Sunday, January 6, 2019

Being a Low Income Renter in the US Means Soon You Will Be Homeless. David Rovics' Work on the Subject is Spectacular

Just getting over influenza. The main flu here according to the state of Idaho and the CDC is NIHI, Swine Flu. It was really bad, but I have ME which is why I need to isolate and be careful during the times of year when people concentrate. People with ME have immune system issues and get sicker than others with viruses. It is winter in Boise and through part of the influenza the temperatures at night were in the teens. I was forced to find a car to live in after a year of living at the Civic Plaza Apartments where there were huge problems of harassment, bullying, toxins including cigarette and marijuana smoke in huge quantities, construction, noise and chemical campaigns which were partly done next door in the St. Luke's trailer park. I was terrorized by people who lived there and others who came onto the property constantly, the City of Boise took no action and many of their agencies participated. This is a very obvious government harassment program, the Boise Police did what they could to prevent me from filing police reports about the harassment.

My car sleeping system keeps me warm, getting up is the problem, it's very cold. When ill with the flu, there are many reasons that cause us to get up. Cold does not cause viruses, but once we have one cold depresses the immune system and makes it worse. It is true however that the car was so much better than having the flu while living in the shelter where there would be little sleep, required chores even if very ill, walking around in the freezing cold, no way to lay down during the daytime, abuse from the gangstalkers getting paid to harass me who have lived at the Interfaith Sanctuary for years, abuse from staff and their ignoring problems drunks cause in the dorm, etc.

They also stole my suitcase from me at the Interfaith Sanctuary which contained files I needed including evidence of a government harassment operation in Soldotna Alaska run by Greg Russell, retired cop, Mason and member or other organizations related to police and firemen which participate in government harassment. Then there was the rest of the Russell crime family. After having had people follow me who were interested in my suitcase just before I left Alaska and one who saw into my suitcase then immediately took off, then the same suitcase disappeared off a Greyhound bus after I saw suits standing in a semi-circle around the luggage compartment in Spokane and the Asian guy in their crazy food bar at the Spokane Greyhound bus station sabotage me so I would be preoccupied, then Greyhound treated me like garbage and the suitcase was returned a couple days later with stuff rearranged.

There are a large number of witnesses involved in that crazy story from Soldotna, if they are subpoenaed the story can easily be formulated. Word is the participants are forced to sign agreements never to disclose the targeting of an individual.

Exposure to viruses at the soup kitchen and library is high and many times this has been done intentionally in my case. Those who live in the shelters who become ill have no place to go other than the day shelter or library. There is no infirmary situation for those who need to rest or to keep those with the flu compartmentalized from the community and help prevent them from having complications. There are large numbers of smokers and some alcoholics among the homeless along with lack of ability to rest or even do basic self care such as eat soup, this means complications from serious viral infections are huge.

I agree with David Rovics, if the Yellow Vest movement comes to the United States it will be about housing. Certainly a huge part of the problem is the crappy pay which does not cover rent and food. That is also a very much engineered problem used for the same purposes as the high rents. It all works together.

In the United States the housing problem was engineered by the oligarchy and their minion legislators. It was done for profit, control, genocide of the poor, to destroy families of particular races, to cause large numbers of people to become addicted secondary to the opioid targeting program and of course to supply inmates for the prisons for mass incarceration, slave labor and further destruction of individuals, their families and communities.

This country belongs to "We The People," not the oligarchy, not the big banks, not President Trump who doesn't say one damn word about the housing crisis or do a damn thing about it. All he can do is focus on the one issue his overlords have given him, the fucking wall, which facilitates the thinking on the right that others are causing our problems. Those homeless people coming here from other countries did not cause the homelessness in this country. The deep state and the oligarchy who uses the intelligence agencies and DOD as their own personal ARMY, along with their servant politicians, the Democrats, the Republicans, the citizens who did nothing to educate themselves about current events and now believe QLARP propaganda etc. are the cause.

Here in Boise we had to listen over and over to city hall stating building more apartments would bring the cost of housing down. First of all that takes many years to accomplish, second, the lower cost only affects those who have the higher incomes to rent with. This demonstrates they don't give a dam about the poor in this city. There is no effect on affordable housing. Action has to be taken to encourage builders to build housing the poor can rent. The government could legislate programs and it can be done on the city, county, state or federal level. The 40-45 units recently built here in Boise like in cities all over the country are projects to save the city money, the residents of them are people who use EMS and police resources a lot and cause problems. If there wasn't that saving money factor those supervised, Housing First Apartments would have never happened. Their willingness to just say building more apartments will solve the problem when it will not indicates not giving a damn.

One of the main issues with why I am homeless right now is that federal agencies and the local housing finance corp did not do their jobs, this would be HUD related. In Soldotna Alaska it was USDA RD related, but the state did not do their jobs either. The same story plays out for targets all over the country. There is a massive issue with lack of listening and believing the truth in Boise with the officials here. That is why I wore body cameras for months before leaving the Civic Plaza and in the community, still wear them sometimes.


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